" }, { "text": "" }, { "text": "", "created": "Wed, 31 Jul 2013 01:15:15 GMT", "pgfnum": "28563" }, { "text": "" } ] }, { "text": "" } ] }, { "text": "" } ] }, { "text": "", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "


" }, { "text": "

A simple demo of a modal dialog in Bootstrap 2.0.

" }, { "text": "

1. Click the button. 2. Enter a new title for the window. 3. Click OK.

", "created": "Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:07:35 GMT", "pgfnum": "6407" }, { "text": "

We set the title of the window and close the dialog.

", "created": "Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:02:39 GMT", "pgfnum": "6938" }, { "text": "
", "isComment": "true", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "×" }, { "text": "

Please enter a new title for this window.

" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "Cancel" }, { "text": "OK" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "", "created": "Wed, 31 Jul 2013 01:21:39 GMT", "pgfnum": "28566" }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "" }, { "text": "

Please enter a new title for this window.

" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "" }, { "text": "" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "", "created": "Wed, 31 Jul 2013 01:21:39 GMT", "pgfnum": "28569" }, { "text": "
", "subs": [ { "text": "Set Window Title" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "

Note -- See this page for a list of my Bootstrap demos.

", "created": "Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:07:35 GMT", "pgfnum": "6407" }, { "text": "
" } ] }, { "text": "" } ] } ] } ] }, { "text": "oneliner", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:27:25 GMT", "pgfnum": "18991", "subs": [ { "text": "s3.newobject (\"/bootstrap2modaldemo.scripting.com/index.html\", tcp.httpreadurl (\"http://6dcpr.blorkmark.com/\")); speaker.beep (); clock.now ()", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2013 23:11:30 GMT", "pgfnum": "17900", "subs": [ { "text": "\"2/19/13; 9:28:48 AM\"", "isComment": "true" } ] } ] } ] } } };